Miami’s Exclusive
Network of Attorneys

ABC helps its members make lots of money in referrals
and co-counsel agreements.


Repeat Clients


Working Experience


Project has been Done

Let’s Grow Together

Attorney Breakfast Club gathers monthly to share insights, the latest trends in specific fields of law, and gain an understanding of one another’s practices.
This exclusive gathering of the most distinguished and prominent professionals from almost every field of legal practice will focus on networking, referrals, and marketing. It is the perfect venue to further your professional relationships and grow your law practice through networking with and referrals from prominent attorneys from all areas of legal practice. Membership is limited to only lawyers and just one lawyer per specialty
Networking requires commitment. The most successful chapters the Attorney Breakfast Club are comprised of attorneys who are sincerely committed to helping one another through networking and referrals. They are a team.
As a member, you are responsible for complying with the policies and guidelines of the Attorney Breakfast Club.  The policies include:
  • Only one attorney from each legal specialty is permitted to join a chapter of the Attorney Breakfast Club.
  • All members should represent the area of law they have selected at the time of joining the Attorney Breakfast Club.
  • Attendance is critical. If you cannot attend a meeting, you may send a substitute. This will not count as an absence.
  • Participation in the chapter by members is a key to the success of a group.

Helping lawyers connect and
grow their law firms

We sell exclusive seats to lawyers who practice or hold themselves out as specializing in a particular field. It is not just being a member that makes the membership profitable. It is by participating in the meetings and socializing with the other members. It will always work when you become a contributing member- asking questions, following up and not just taking but also referring cases to other members.

It is like being in a
professional family.

Share not just a meal in a collegial atmosphere, but the group’s ideas, goals, successes, and failures. Join and grow your practice with others who share the same passion and desire for their law firm business growth.

See Our Team Members

Have Breakfast With Us!

Join one of the most successful and creative exclusive marketing and networking events in the country.
The Attorney Breakfast Club is comprised of some of the savviest and most forward-thinking
lawyers in the business.